How Does Football Change My Life

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March third, 2002, I was born. A low life, little did I know I would be good at fixing things. I would change my own life. I don’t remember much of my younger years, but I do know that I was a rascal and hard to keep up with. Sports have been a huge part of my life as I play basketball and will play football this coming summer. Basketball is fun because it gets my adrenaline going. I love that feeling. The competition to be the best team on the court comes in with the burst of power with the adrenaline rush. Football I have yet to play; at recess it’s amusing to run the routes and just pass with friends. I had tried soccer when I was younger, and I was the goalie for one reason. I was terrible at kicking the ball back and forth to other players. I had tried baseball, but yet again I was terrible, not just with batting, but all of it. So I have stuck with basketball in my life so far. …show more content…

I remember the first time my dad was teaching me to fish; he said, “Okay, Mason this is how you cast the line into the lake to catch fish.” He cast line the lure flew off into the lake. He said to me, “You always show how not to do it first. This is how you don’t do it.” After that I took my fish rod and cast into the lake. Little did I know that I had to be patient to fish and wait for a bite. I loved it though and still do. As I was growing up, about seven years old, I started to have an interest in cars and mechanical things. I didn’t know at that time that I would love fixing things and find it relaxing to do so. My grandfather was a mechanic after he got back from vietnam and I tried to spend the most time I could with him. I remember my dad and I went over to give my fathers Grand National an oil change. We took the cover off and the previous owner had packed as much oil as he could. Oil came spilling out rapidly and while my grandfather was cleaning it up; my dad and me went to get new engine

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