How Does Jim Affect Huck

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As the story progresses the reader understands more about Jim, and the reader understands that he is a true and honest friend to Huckleberry. The pivotal moment with changes our disposition toward Jim is when Huckleberry Finn decides to play a trick on him, just to make Jim look foolish. One foggy night Jim and Huck floated away from each other, Huck in the canoe, and Jim on the raft. Unsurprisingly, the canoe and raft drifted away from each other, they were lost. Thinking that Huck was lost forever or drown Jim falls into a restless sleep. Huck, eventually finding the raft, entertains himself by scaring Jim into thinking that he imagined the whole dilemma. Naturally, Jim becomes upset when he finds out that Huck was playing a trick on him,