How Does Loss Of Calcium Affect The Strength Of Bones

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In this experiment you will determine how the loss of calcium carbonate affects the strength of bones. Does losing calcium affect the strength of bones? If the bone loses calcium, then the weaker the bone will be and the more it will bend. “Your bones are lightweight and incredibly strong. Bones get their strength from a hard outer shell that contains the mineral calcium carbonate. Calcium keeps our bones stiff and rigid.” (Tanacredi, J, 2000). Bones are like a building; they provide us with shape and protection. Our bones produce our daily blood cells. If you are sitting down, did you know that your bones are still at work? Your bones never stop working. The average adult body has about 206 bones. Did you know that your bones are used for movement and …show more content…

This disease is mostly found in older people not younger people. When this disease happens, the bone becomes weaker and weaker. The victim’s bones start breaking and then their spine collapses. Building up a lot of calcium at a young age can prevent this disease from happening. Muscles come in all different ways. Different shapes and different sizes. The human body has all together 650 muscles. That makes up 40% of the humans body weight. All energy that muscles use is found in calcium, fats, and proteins that we get from food! If a person does exercise and has a good intake of calcium, this will help their bones to live for a long time. Calcium is needed to build healthy teeth, nerve impulses, and the rhythm of your heart. 99% of calcium is stored in your bones and teeth. The remaining 1 percent is in your blood and other tissues. There are two ways to get calcium. You can get calcium by eating foods or by taking supplements that contain calcium in them. The second way to get calcium is by pulling it from bones. If you aren’t consuming enough calcium, your body will pull it from your bones, where most of calcium is stored. Calcium can’t be made by the

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