How Does MHP Reduce Anxiety?

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P: Mack will recognize existing feelings of anger, discover the origins of such feelings, and find alternative ways to ease, express, and resolve such feelings. A: MHP educated Mack about anxiety and depression. MHP taught Mack strategies for anxiety management. MHP provided information on anxiety and depression. MHP taught Mack calming skills. MHP assisted Mack in identifying triggers that lead to anxiety and/or depression. MHP provided a worksheet about stress and anxiety. MHP provided reinforcements for reduced anxiety. I: Mack appeared to be in a positive mood at the onset of the session. He showed adequate effort to participate in the session. Mack was engaged throughout the session. He stated that his day was going okay. He mentioned that still has anger problems. Mack …show more content…

MHP will provide additional strategies for stress and anxiety. P: Mack will recognize existing feelings of anger, discover the origins of such feelings, and find alternative ways to ease, express, and resolve such feelings. A: MHP discussed the importance of positive thoughts. MHP recommended that Mack gets adequate sleep at night. MHP advised Mack to refrain from behavior that leads to negative outcomes. MHP discussed the consequences of misusing medication. MHP provided reinforcements for reduced anxiety. I: Mack communicated a willingness to address his anger problems. He stated that his mood is negatively impacted when he is angry. He appeared to be in a good mood during the session. He was attentive and cooperative during the session. Mack stated that he still struggles with anxiety issues. He agreed to work on his anger and anxiety problems. He stated that his biggest stressor is not being approved for his disability. He agreed to continue to focus on positive thoughts and refrain from behavior that leads to negative outcomes. He stated that his family has been supportive. Mack stated he will continue to work on his anger and anxiety this