How Does Shakespeare Present Romeo In Act 1 Scene 2

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Scene 1 takes place in a street of Mantua. Romeo enters the scene reminiscing about a dream which he believes portends his reuniting with Juliet. Balthasar then enters the scene and informs Romeo that Juliet has died. Romeo purchases poison from an apothecary that he plans to use to kill himself and then leaves for Verona. Scene 2 takes place in Friar Laurance's cell. Friar John enters the scene calling out to Friar Laurance who then enters the scene. Friar Laurance asks Friar John of his trip to Mantua. Friar John informs Friar Laurance that he was unable to travel to Mantua because of an outbreak of the plaque. Friar Laurance realizes that this could cause his plan to have problems and that Juliet will be leaving soon so he leaves knowing that Juliet will awaken from her potion soon. …show more content…

Paris enters the scene followed by a Paige who is bearing a flower and a torch. Paris tells his Page to keep watch for other people. The page exits then whistles letting Paris know someone is approaching. Paris hides and sees Romeo and Balthasar enter the scene. Romeo tells Balthasar to leave, Blthatsar pretends to obey but hides. When Blthasar is gone Romeo enters the tomb. Paris who has been watching from hiding thinks that Romeo intends to desecrate the tomb and moves to stop him. Romeo tries to tell Paris that he has no intention of descrating the tomb but Paris does not believe him and the two fight. Romeo kills Paris who in his dying breath requests to be laid next to Juliet. Romeo agrees and lays Paris's body next to