How Does Sociology Differ From Sociological Perspective

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Sociological perspective is a special point of view, used by sociologists to look for patterns of behavior of a specific group of people. All people are different but we are shaped by those around us. What we learn in books and what we learn by seeing others differs from place to place. Lower income areas have different outlooks on things compared to a higher income area; for example, low income people look for a mate that doesn’t drink a lot, and can maintain a job. Whereas a higher income area people look for someone who is sensitive and able to be open about their feelings. Society shapes out personal choices too, even though we are an individualist society. Having children is a personal choice even if you consider the social society around you, you will be able to see a pattern. Which even helps you decide on how many children you will have even if you don’t actual see the pattern. It is there, for instance those that live in a poorer country tend to have more children, due to a few social factors. Like lower education gives fewer opportunities to people. So, their lives are focused on the home and those areas tend to have less access to contraception. They’re for more children are born to those areas. Whereas richer countries, families are started at a later age due to people attending college and having better access to birth control. …show more content…

Applying sociological perspective will help one self with personal growth by showing them the patterns of their society and those patterns of others as well. Making those people more aware and active in their own lives. Common sense is an example of using sociological perspective, just because something comes easy to one person, may be harder for another coming from a different area. Where they do, and learn things