How Does Steinbeck Present The Theme Of Morality In Of Mice And Men

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Moral? As children humans are taught not to do horrible things. “Don’t draw on the wall! Stop picking your nose!” Children are told what is good and what is bad. And from there those children learn not to repeat their mistakes. Lennie from the story “Of Mice and Men” is seen to have a childlike mind. He acts no better than a two year old. He makes mistakes and then is criticized. He eventually learns to cover up his mistakes. But still doesn’t gather that what he is doing is not right. Lennie has no understanding of empathy. Which shows that Lennie had no idea that what he did to Curley’s Wife was deeply wrong. To illustrate Lennie is not a murder because of his lack of understanding empathy. Which can go along with the social life of a person. …show more content…

He often will say random things. In the book it is stated, “He heard Lennie’s whimpering cry and wheeled about. “Blubberin’ like a baby! Jesus Christ! A big guy like you!” Lennie’s lip quivered and tears started in his eyes. “Aw, Lennie!” George put his hand on Lennie’s shoulder. “I ain’t takin’ it away jus’ for meanness. That mouse ain’t fresh, Lennie; and besides, you’ve broke it pettin’ it. You get another mouse that’s fresh and I’ll let you keep it a little while.”(Steinbeck 9). Lennie is fast to start crying and blubbering like a child. Which seems to be usual for a man his age. His self-regulation seems to not exist. It is stated in Intellectual disability : a guide for families and professionals, “Not surprisingly, persons with severe intellectual disability have particular difficulty in self-regulation, which may lead to aggression, self-injurious, and other challenging behaviors.”(Harris 153). Lennie's childlike behaviors are so immature that it shows that he can’t comprehend the world around him very well. Without George he is a toddler wandering around. It is stated by Steinbeck, “But he never hurt her. He jus’ wanted to touch that red dress, like he wants to pet them pups all the time.” (Steinbeck 42). Children always want to touch the soft blanket and dogs because they are curious and impulsive. Lennie has lots of childlike qualities which shows that he doesn’t fully comprehend the world he is in. He has