How Does The Concentration Of Sucrose Affect Yeast

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INVESTIGATION 7: Sucrose solution effect on yeast population


To investigate the effect of sucrose concentration on the level of yeast population.

Research Question:

How does the concentration of sucrose affect the level of yeast population?

Background Information:

Yeast, a microscopic, one-celled organism belonging to the group of organisms called fungi. The typical yeast cell is approximately equal in size to a human red blood cell and is spherical to ellipsoidal in shape. Because of its small size, it takes about 30 billion yeast cells to make up to one gram of compressed baker’s yeast. Yeast reproduces vegetative by budding, a process during which a new bud grows from the side of the existing cell wall. This bud eventually …show more content…

The reason for this is that a high amount of resource will commence a rapid exponential growth of yeast (The yeast is a rapid reproducing fungus). That’s why it falls under r-strategists species since it tends to be very small and reproduces quickly.

This experiment may show a point where the optimum temperature is reached due to environmental support, and no matter how much food is provided to the yeast; there will be no further growth observed. This is the stabilizing level of capacity.

The population numbers will be inconsistent. This could be due to lack of limited resources since there will be increased competition since sucrose is the only source. When the resources are overriding, the population wavers downwards, and when the supply is abundant, the population numbers rocket upwards. This is the same thing I’m going to do for my experiment. When the yeast reaches its environmental resistance point (which reduces growth rate) the yeast population will automatically fall, this is because the space becomes a limiting factor. Space is a density dependent factor which affect the per unit or volume population of

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