How Has Rap Music Changed The Human Mind Over Time?

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“How has rap music changed the human mind over time?” Music has been around for over thirty decades and has affected each and every human's life differently. People tend to interact and connect with each other based on the type of music that we listen to. No matter where you grew up from or when you were born, music has definitely been involved in your life. Growing up as a kid, music influences every child’s mind differently. It becomes a part of your daily life and accesses a creative side to your brain that you would not get from anything else. Music can cause you to have deep emotions about the events that go on in your life. For as long as music has been around, it has always been evolving. As music itself changes, the human taste …show more content…

Lyrics in music usually tell a story of the artist's experience in whatever the subject the song is about. Every song has a different flow to it but it’s usually always gonna rhyme in a poetic way, “In addition, the use of puns, satire, and figurative language gives the language richness and texture; this allows for for use of individual songs in class and as a fun and entertaining way to study the devices of poetry” (Collins 34). Each lyric should have a meaning to it, in today’s present time, we have many subgenres for hip-hop but each subgenre could either be a lyrical or a mumble song. Compared to each other, they are exactly what they sound like. Lyrical music is supposed to have a meaning to it while mumble rap is when the artist basically mumbles on the track. One of the most known rappers Tupac Shakur is one of the biggest artist known for their poetry used in their music, “Unfortunately in the case of Tupac, a young Black urban male who was murdered, lyrics were more than a social commentary, they were prophetic; Tupac became a victim of the very violence he depicted in his music and in the process became a rap icon” ( Richardson & Scott 176). Tupac has lived a violent life prior to his rap career that had brought him problems in the time he was

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