
How Has Text Communication Changed Over Time

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The way people communicate has significantly changed over the years due to technological advances. Text messaging first became possible on mobile devices in 1992, “but did not experience rapid growth until the early 2000s. David Crystal (2009) reports that, in the year 2000, 17 billion texts were sent worldwide. ’This has increased to 250 billion in 2001 and passed a trillion in 2005”(p.272). Now in 2017 people around the world in one year has sent eight trillion text messages. Thus, when it comes to reaching people anywhere and everywhere in the world in the quickest amount of time, nothing beats text messaging. Because of these advances in communication nothing in recent history has changed or form of writing more than texting has. According …show more content…

The truth is text messages or emails is faster and more convenient than taking the time to write a letter. About 90 percent of people will read their text in about ten minutes and reply to the text. The other 10 percent of the people will check there phone a hundred and fifty times a day and will eventually reply at a later time. Text messages and emails can be replied to in real-time our even auto-responders helps people help stay in contact when they are away from their phones. Thus, these are the reasons why texting is a faster way of interaction between people. The communication is simple and because of these different reasons, and the fast response of information, making text messages and emails the preferred way of communicating with people on- the- …show more content…

When it comes to texting, it is not the most convent to type out entire sentences, short, quick and straight to the point is the most common. Therefore, abbreviation and acronyms are used to help shorten a sentence, for example (ttyl stands for talk to you later) and with the words broken up helps to save even more time when people are sending a text message. The disadvantage to using abbreviation and acronyms all the time, it becomes common that people want to write and speak how they text and the truth is that they are completely different. Furthermore, there are built-in apps that help with punctuation and spelling errors for when a full sentence is a must. But when people are handwriting there is no spell or punctuation checker so therefor sentence structure isn’t there and this affects the writing. But “technology will not replace good, old-fashioned writing, what we write matters because it’s based on our individual thoughts and ways of shaping these thoughts through

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