
How Is Harry Potter A Hero

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In Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone J.K. Rowling portrays Harry becoming a hero in the wizard world from being an underdog in the “muggle world”. As Harry and his friends discover that an evil person is trying to obtain the Sorcerer’s Stone from Hogwarts, they rush to figure out who and why someone would be after it. When Harry learns Lord Voldemort is behind this plan to obtain the Sorcerers’s stone, he did not back down. Harry is able to face against Lord Voldemort with confidence because of his friends always protecting him and helping him figure out any problem he faces. However, Harry’s bravery allows him to defeat Professor Quirrell and Lord Voldemort. With this massive pressure for him to save Hogwarts, he does not crack under pressure. Although Harry faces against Professor Quirrell, a strong evil wizard, he is able to defeat them with the help of his friends and his bravery and became a hero in eyes of his peers. …show more content…

In the book Hermione exclaims, “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery and — oh Harry — be careful,” (Rowling 168). Hermione explains that even though she is more intelligent than Harry, he has bravery and a friendship that helps him to become a better wizard than Hermione. As Harry and his friends race into danger together going into the trap door each characters uses their unique talents to get to the next door of the chamber of the Sorcerer’s Stone. Harry first uses his Qudditch skills to obtain a key, Ron leads them into

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