How My Scars Changed My Life

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Big or small, long or short, scares can tell a story about the times in someone’s life that has challenged them to become a better person. Times in their life that were hard and times that someone had to fight and make it through on top. “My scars tells a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded” Steve Marbaoli. There is one word in any athlete 's career that can change their life in a very significant way. Minor or major, having surgery and taking time away from the sport you love to do can challenge an athlete to its highest level. 2012 was the year that I myself had to face the challenge of surgery. Arthroscopic hip impingement surgery was the hurdle that was put in my way that I had to fight and push my way through. The scars that today reminds me of the time in my own life that tried to break me, but I made it out on top. …show more content…

April came and it was time to face the fear of my first surgery. “When everything feel like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.” A quote that my parents told me right before I went under anesthesia. The first weeks were tough and were only the beginning of my uphill struggle. Not being able to compete in the sport that I love, having to watch and not compete made me feel as if there was a open pit in my stomach that would never be filled. With having a six month recovery from a hip surgery wasn 't something that I thought that I would have had to encounter being only 15. But I made it through. Going through physical therapy was a challenge within itself. The pain and the struggles of having to gain all my strength back little by little. May 16th came it was my sixteenth birthday. I remember waking up that morning looking at my parents and telling them that today was the day I was going to stop using my crutches. Mentally and physically I was prepared, I was ready to see the view from the top, and the view was