How Successful Was The Progressive Era

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Progressives In the time from 1880 to 1937, many changes were taking place in America. The United States has come out of the Civil War and rebuilt, including many changes to how the US had looked and operated before the war. The United States was greatly impacted by the development of progressivism and its influence on all major politics at this time. Though progressive ideas split the country in some political aspects, they helped to better the nation and would be even more beneficial in later global economic situations. One of the most well known presidents for his progressive ideals, Theodore Roosevelt, acted on his progressive beliefs in a way that allowed the US to grow into the global power it has become. Progressivism and the imperialistic …show more content…

The middle-class progressives often had more influence on the contents of new laws, because the support for their political views far outweighed that of farmers and laborers. During Taft’s presidency, the nation was split politically because Republicans wanted to end the changes, while progressives believed that President Trump had not gone far enough with his changes. Many progressive minorities, including women and African Americans, believed that changes needed to be made, but the ones they believed to be important were not being prioritized. It was difficult, but eventually women gained the right to vote and their ideas concerning issues such as healthcare could finally be heard. Progressives came from all over the nation and ranged from the poorest of farmers to some of the wealthiest businessmen. A small group of progressives who disagreed with the violence against African Americans formed the NAACP to fight for racial justice. A few years later, people began to realize that there were issues within labor forces and progressives took up those beliefs and helped union laborers in their battle for better work conditions and …show more content…

Theodore Roosevelt believed that if the US had control in other parts of the world, it would be able to help maintain stability and order. In 1998, during the Spanish American War, Theodore Roosevelt became a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army Cavalry regime, this position likely impacted how he viewed imperialism as well as how he knew that influence across the globe was a key to success. The land that the US gained as territories during this war would end up being very important when it came to trade and naval bases later on. Roosevelt's position as the first president to run as progressive gained him much support with the up and coming beliefs of many Americans. The success of the United States as an economic power was largely built during the time that the US took chances and allowed progressive ideas to make the changes that many had been pushing for. The progressive ideas that were shared between poor farmers, middle, and upper class Americans created a sense of understanding that even though things were being done, they were not successful. The Nation was split by conservative and progressive ideas about whether the government had done too much or not