How To Ban Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Animal testing has been an ongoing debate for hundreds of years. I have done research on the benefits and withdrawals of animal testing. What you guys may believe is right might be different than the person sitting next to you. I will be talking about the failures of testing, he benefits, and what supporters and opponents say about whether or not animals have the same rights as humans. There has been many failures of animal testing. For start, animal testing costs a lot of money. Each year we spend billions of dollars on animal testing. And 1 trillion spent on the health care of animals. We are losing tons of money on these animals. Also, research has shown on the article "Anima testing is bad" that animals can catch a lot of disease, we spend money to cure them leading to lack of money for prenatal care programs and trauma. Animals can be burned, shocked, and poisoned, which can cause them brain damage. Overall, animals can suffer, but so can humans. The benefits of animal testing lead to new scientific discoveries. Animal testing has developed new medicines for curing …show more content…

Supporters argue that animal torture is compared to slavery to humans. They say just because animals can 't talk doesn’t mean they don’t feel the pain during testing matters. Tom Regan said "They cant read, do higher mathematics, or build a bookcase. Neither can some humans. And yet we don’t say these humans have less inherent values, less of a Right to be treated with respect, than others do". For the opponent 's side some my argue that rights can be afforded only to those capable grasping the moral laws of living. As well as that they believe human lives come first. An opponent argue said "it is absurd to suggest that animal rights in the same way that humans do. Animals aren 't capable with obligation that come with living in a structured community. And animals clearly do not have that