The Taliban and the Nazis are two separate armies who took control of different places in very similar ways, if you did not agree with them consequences were brutal and sometimes public.They also spoke their opinions publicly and if you rejected their opinion or didn’t let them do what they wanted you could have been executed. They all came to power in very similar ways , doing similar things to manipulate the people into thinking that they were the best until later on taking control of their country and trying to make sure their beliefs were extinct. They can also be compared because of their motives , which were very similar being that they both believed in a perfect place or person which they wanted to make that country into. that they took control of. …show more content…
This happened after the great depression, the Germans were looking for a change desperate and in need of help. Hitler became that person and gained a large following.When it was time for elections Hitler won the elections and was now their new leader. The two armies were very similar in there rise except the Taliban 's rise was non political and like the Nazi’s rise had a lot to do with manipulation. The Taliban rise to power started after a devastating earthquake that hurt many, when no one would help, they did. Everybody was tricked and put into their lies and they thought they could trust these men, but when they gained the trust of others they began voicing their opinions and putting down restrictions. Both of the armies used people 's devastation against them for their gain of power but the two situations were different in the way that one was political and the other they played the role of the savior to gain