How To Read The Odyssey

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The Odyssey was written by Homer in the 8th century B.C.the genre of this poem is an epic, also known as an oral tradition. The author-Homer was a blind poet. The Odyssey is about a guy that had to go to war and was gone for 20 years. And he had a wife and a boy and that whole time he was gone no matter how many kings came to marry her she stayed loyal. This would be a great book for teens these days to show our history ands our histories tales. Teena should read The Odyssey because it’s a great tale to show our histories tales and also its a great book to learn and have fun while doing it. The Odyssey may not be the funnest book to read but it's better than reading a lot of books to know our histories tales when you can read one and know. …show more content…

But there still going no matter how hard no matter how scared they are. Freshman may think this book is boring because it’s a poem or a tale but that doesn't matter if a freshman student don’t know the book or what it's about they should give it a chance they should read it no matter how boring they think it is. As Stephen Mitchell says, “what surprises many readers is that it still has the power to enchant” (Mitchell) . Some freshman teen that does not read may think this is a dumb book or it has nothing to do with life. They may be right they may be wrong. They will never know till they read it. Whenever a freshman hear the word “book” they freak out not many kids like to read all they do is sit on there phone or sleep and that ain't healthy. It's good to get out and read a good book and that book could be as simple as the odyssey. This book could also be a good role model for young adults telling them what they should do and not do in their lifestyle choices and showing no matter how far a loved one is or how long they are gone for you should always be faithful especially if you have a family. Yes some men may not be loyal but in this book it shows there are men out there who will stay by your side no matter how many obstacles you go through or how long they're away. Freshman are young and don't think that much of history and our myths and that they don't think they will have to know this and there some what true but it's