How To Write A Hollister Student Handbook Essay

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According to Google the definition of bullying is, “To use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.” Though not all schools use this definition. The Hollister student handbook says “In accordance with state law, bullying is defined as intimidation, unwanted aggressive behavior, or harassment that is repetitive or is substantially likely to be repeated and causes a reasonable student to fear for his or her physical {...}” I agree with our definition because it covers all of points that it should cover. In this essay i’m going to talk about what points I agree with in the handbook, what I disagree with, and what happens in this school about bullying.

The student handbook is very detailed about its bully policy and I agree with many points of it. I like how it talks about how teachers are forced to report bullying if they see even a little bit, this makes the school a much better place. Another point I agree with is the anti cyberbullying policy, I think it gets the point across very well and makes sure none of it happens. Next, is the investigation procedure, it says “Investigation must be initiated within 2 school days of the initial report, .investigation will be completed within 10 school days from date of initial report,, .investigation may go beyond 10 school day if good cause exists (Hollister R-V School District 15)”. This makes sure that something will be done about the bullying. …show more content…

One point I disagree with is the retaliation prohibition, It says “Even in situations where the district does not have jurisdiction to discipline a student for bullying, such as when the acts take place off campus and there is an insufficient nexus to the district, the principal or designee will take