No matter where you go to school in, there is always one problem you are going to run into, bullying. Bullying is when a individual or group abuses a person verbally, socially, physically, and now even cybernetically. It always ends with someone being hurt, either physically or emotionally. Bullying is something that has to be taken seriously for it causes serious mental problems, not just some quick tears. So far, the only state with only one bullying law is Montana and their bully free Montana act. It is not enough. The law isn’t working. They need more bullying laws over in the treasure state.
Bullying Victims, Victims Forever
Bullying has to be taken seriously. Many adults consider it a normal obstacle in life, but bullying now-a-days causes serious mental issues. Bullying is one of the main causes of depression in youth ages. Now, bullying might be a light topic to some people but depression is never a light topic. Youth depression because of bullying might cause something along these three scenarios, a restless feeling of hopelessness for the rest of your life, bullycide, or school shooting. As states “Children who were victims of bullying have been consistently found to be at higher risk for internalising problems, in particular diagnoses of anxiety
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Many bully victims in Montana thought this was a new hope for them. But it wasn’t. The law has a crucial loophole making it successfully uneffective. The law strictly prohibits bullying of any sort, but does not have a punishment in place for the offender. Instead, it states that each school system has to put their own punishments in place. This means some school systems are a lot more lenient than others. The law promotes an inconsistency that is as chaotic and unorderly as the Articles of Confederation. According to, Montana is currently in 4th place of worst bullying states in the