How To Write A Informative Essay On Homeless

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What is Homelessness? This word can be used on people and animals that do not have a home or a place to live. Some people become homeless because they may have issues in their life. These issues can contain having money problems due to slow rise in minimum wage it has increased the percentage of employed homeless people…. Sounds confusing, right? Who would think that being employed you can still become homeless. How do you think the homeless survive in the position they are in? Most survive by panhandling which means asking for money. There are a few other that still earn their money by means of working including handy man jobs or simple carpentry. Most of these people don’t have proper identifications to get better jobs. Food shelters play a big part in how the homeless are being fed but still many shelters don’t have enough fund in order to keep up with the demands that they receive. Without the help of the community many shelters would not exist even though most of the contributions come from big time donors. Which leaves the question... How does the community help? What can you do to help out the Homeless situation in America? …show more content…

The community can help in multiple ways. They can help by doing fundraisers to help make shelters, donating items, and even by giving them respect. Everyone should receive respect because everyone is human and they should receive it without asking for it. Shelters would be a wonderful decision because the homeless will have a place to stay warm and have a place that gives them the necessities they need. If the community doesn’t have money to build shelter they can always do donation and donate clothes, blankets, toys, and even hygiene items to help them out. If you were in their position I am sure you like help from your community to show that they care and you are