How Was Darwin's Theory Related To The Rise Of Marxism

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Darwin’s theories revolutionized how the world viewed time, origins, religion, and nationalism. Before the time of Darwin, all scientific theories were based off the common principle of Biblical truth. Everything revolved around the concept that Biblical truth was absolute truth, and that Biblical truth had to be the starting point for every theory. Darwin challenged all Christian truth with his new theories. Until Darwin’s theories, everyone believed the truth of a biblical creation and human origins. They viewed the Book of Genesis of absolute, but Darwin proposed a new theory. He began to theorize Natural Selection. The theory that the strongest survive, and each species alters itself to become the strongest that it can be. Concerning religion, Darwin began to teach that Christianity itself was ridiculous, and began a new age where all …show more content…

He believed in full religious, political, and superstitious freedom; as well as attainability of perfect human nature. He placed emphasis on the capability on the citizens and desired to remove that of social boundaries. Marx also placed great value on the relationship between economics and politics. Marx believed that Capitalism was the destruction of the economy within itself. He focused on destroying the barriers of class, and wanted to destroy capitalism because it turned workers into objects. It dehumanized the workers and took away the personal connection that one feels with another person. Marx stated that if capitalism was to continue, that it would eventually eradicate it. He discussed a great relationship of economics and thought. Much like the Enlightenment, Marx full believed in absolute freedom. This is his greatest connection between economic and thought. He believed it is the right of the people to choose their path, and to question whatever they desire. He wants absolute freedom in class, political standing, economic standing, and