How Was The American Revolution Justified

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“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” This quote comes from Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense, and a key player in getting the American colonists to support the American revolution. This would be a revolution that changed the course of history itself, and would later on create a world superpower. However, was a revolution necessary? Was the killing of British and colonists alike worth breaking away from Britain? The following will show that the American colonists were indeed justified in breaking away due to the unprecedented taxes from the Stamp Act, the laws tyrannical laws that Britain claimed was in their right to make, the British actions at Lexington and Concord, and the King repeatedly defying the colonist’s petitions to fix the problem. After seeing all of the reasons the American colonists fought for independence, one should agree that the American revolution was in fact justified. …show more content…

The Stamp Act was one of several new acts known as the Townshend Acts. According to Britain, these taxes were designed to pay off their war debt that protected the Americans. However, John Dickinson later wrote in Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania that “[the Townshend Acts claim the authority] to impose duties on these colonies, not for the regulation of trade…but for the single purpose of levying money upon us.” (Doc 2) This means that the British were imposing these taxes on the colonists in order to make money. To top it all off, the colonists had no representation in parliament whatsoever. This made the colonists angry, and was one of the reasons they separated from the British