How Was The Universe Created According To Different Religions And Science

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Antonella Carducci Artenisio
Mrs Smith
EPQ Project
Summer 2014
How was the Universe Created according to Different Religions/ Science?

There are many beliefs on how the universe was created. There is no way to prove what was the real cause although a reasonable conclusion may be reached by each individual about how plausible any belief is. Although many cultures have different beliefs and there is a huge variety of them, the ones I retain more interesting are Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and The Big Bang.

Buddhists believe creation happens repeatedly over time. They believe in a time range called Kalpa, which means cycle. The cycle begins when land starts forming on top of water in the absence of light. This cycle is about everything repeating itself, including spiritual beings. After the Kalpa finishes, Buddhists believe the universe dissolves and the living beings return to the soul life for the cycle to repeat itself. Another interesting view that winds up Buddhist beliefs on existence is what Lama Shenpen Hookham wrote, "The Buddhist view is that everything emanates from the Primordial expanse of Openness Clarity Sensitivity and is illusion like- never really coming into existence, …show more content…

This is something only a powerful God could achieve. Christianity as well as Judaism have accepted this idea. What makes Christianity’s belief so powerful and famous is firstly that it is one of the most recent ones and secondly that it comes from a time in which the world was very little informed about other possibilities and the Messiah or Jesus came (around 2,000 years ago.) He taught about Genesis that says God created the world within a week. He created the heavens and the earth, separated light from darkness and created animals and humans in his own image. He then created the paradise Adam and Eve lived in that lasted until they both sinned and become mortal. The seventh day, he rested.