Ms. Tomcala, Chief Executive Officer, announced that Ms. Pat McClelland is leaving the Health Plan after 20 years of service and that she has accepted a position with DHCS as Chief of the Systems of Care Division. Ms. Tomcala also reported on audit readiness and that WeiserMazars has been coaching the team on how to address the auditors who will be onsite the last two weeks of April. Ms. Tomcala brought to the committee’s attention that DHCS has officially requested CMS to approve the MCO tax proposal. Lastly, Ms. Tomcala continues to have discussions with County representatives Mr. Bruce Butler and Mr. Paul Lorenz regarding the Default PCP Assignments and they have reached to Ms. Dolores Alvarado, SCCHA Board member, to ask for her assistance.
In 2007, the Carmichaels started a business to help business owners with their online needs. It is a small company with 15 staff members. The business has web programmers, sales staff, social media consultants, designers, and a mobile design consultant. Roy worked in web page designs which allows him to assist the program and designers. Leslie started with taking care of the finances and the business needs.
What I did – I reviewed 10 employee expense reports to determine if corresponding receipts were attached and approvals had been provided, and I also assessed whether reported payments were eligible for reimbursement based on Schnitzer Steel Accounting Manual Section 300-10 (Expense Report Approval Procedure and Supporting Documentation Requirement) and 300-20(Expense Report Eligibility Requirement). After two exceptions were identified, I pulled 40 more employee expense reports based on Schnitzer Steel Internal Audit Manual – Chapter 2: Sampling Methodology to determine if the exceptions were isolated instances or systemic issues. What I found – Within the initial 10 expense reports, I found two exceptions. Specifically, Sample No.7 with a total amount over $1,000 did not have required evidence of second approval from a department head, and Sample No.9 was missing one receipt.
ISSUES: Can the limited partnership be converted its business form into the limited liability company (LLC) without the approval and/or consent of all limited partners or general managers? Was the restructuring of the limited partnership form invalid? Does this restructuring violate KRS 275.370 and KRS 362.490? RULES: The statue states KRS 275.370 that the limited partnership can be converted into the limited liability company if the terms and conditions of a conversion is approved by “all the partners or by a number or percentage specified for conversion in the partnership agreement or, in the case of a limited partnership, by all the partners, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the limited liability company.”
60A. (1) Except as hereinafter provided for the employee cannot to be required under their own contract of service to work— (a) more than 5 consecutive hours without a period of leisure of not less than 30 minutes duration; (b) In one day more than eight hours; (c) In excess of a spread over period of 10 hours in one day; (d) In one week more than forty-eight hours: Provided that—(i) for the purpose of paragraph (1)(a), for the break less than thirty minutes in the five consecutive hours should not break the continuity of that five consecutive hours; (ii) Employee that they are engaged in work which have to carried on constantly and which requires their continual attendance may be required to work for eight consecutive hours inclusive of a
Mary Ann and Jack Gaffney told me to update them also, Jane Volk told me with giving me a letter and business card that employees couldn't harass or retaliate against me Ron Hartman echoed the same. I started referring to sections in the contract or University Policies when Mary Ann started quoting or emailed them to me with little support from the union or university. I couldn’t believe Pitt or the Union would let this go on Franicola, Supervisor and Donna Myers, Maintenance told several employees the University and union were making deals together Also; this wasn’t a real Union is that why they weren’t acknowledging my email? The Union or University wouldn’t take responsibility for Franicola coercing employees against each other and the favoritism. Yes,
Part A: The professor was driving to work one day, and another driver ran a red light, then hitting him. After this incident, whether the situation was harmless or not does not matter; as we saw with Watson's study, with little Albert and the white rat/rabbit. (Reference: Watson exposed a child to a series of stimuli with a white rat and a rabbit, then observing the child's reactions. The child initially showed no fear response on either animal. The next time Albert was exposed to the white rat, Watson made a loud noise by hitting a metal pipe with a hammer.
Discuss these 2 scenarios and outcomes; 1: Your computer just crashed. It is 5 years old and not worth fixing. You have not more than $1,000 to spend on a new computer but the lowest price that you can find either online or in a local store for the model that you absolutely need is $1,100. What would you say to the salesperson to convince him or her to sell you the computer for $1,000.00 Consider objections that the sales representative might make and how you would respond to them?
Cycle 1 Review Sheet, Part 1 25 August 2014 From time to time this semester I will hand out a “review sheet” which is a condensed summary of what I consider some of the more important topics and key concepts from the lectures. Remember in this class, the lectures define the range of content that you are responsible for, not the text. This is especially pertinent because of the cyclical nature of the class. If I indicate a point here in a review sheet this means that this is something I want to emphasize. 1-D Kinematics: Definitions: vave ≡ ∆x ∆t
1. Describe the application you selected and why. The application I’ve selected is “Todoist: To-Do List, Task List” on Google Play (android). The reason I chose this application is because it has many useful functions and is simple to use.
Last year was awesome, but that does not mean I can’t fix a few things. My first resolution would be to get ready for school faster in the morning. When I wake up I am tired, and when I’m tired I’m slow. To fix this I‘m going to go to bed at 8:50 max on school nights.
Communication professionally with customers and employees Provides customer satisfaction Job Knowledge Has required skills and licenses to perform duties for job assignments Keeps skills and licenses up to date
Target 1: Reduce the unemployment rate by at least half the current rate. It is unemployment that leads to poverty. Target 2: Enable access to clean water and sanitization to everyone, this is a basic human right, not a luxury. Target 3: Improve the income redistribution of social grants amongst minors, single mothers and minors.
1. What problems did you encounter when handling the complaint? Whenever I received complaints, the problem is that the subordinates usually deny or come up with some explanations making it difficult to discuss it in a genuine manner. Sometimes even if we reprimand them for their mistakes it creates a very tense environment in the hospital and it also affects the quality of work.
The results visible today can be totally different from those visible tomorrow and in a distant future. How clients relates to themselves and how they live their lives ahead are things that cannot be fully measured by statistics or numbers. Because I do not believe that it is possible, I do not think that you can only control or direct the work on the basis of performance measure, but it can be a part of [a greater whole](IP