
Huckleberry Finn Chapter Summary

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Tom and Huck decide to go the graveyard at11 o'clock. After a few minutes they see three men there.joe fought dr with knife but when Muff is witless joe put the knife in muff's hand.finally Muff go to the joil.one hot summer Tom and joe Harper go to Mississippi river.They watch the boats and fish and talk suddenly they decide to go to down the river to Jackson'Island by boat.They walk,swim,talk and swim again but at night Tom said, i go to home last night . On sunday morning when other people go to the church .the three dead boys come in. Muff's time trial Tom tell the truth and joe is killer. In the summer Tom and Huck search the treasure under the trees but they don't find anythings.Tom look down and see the old house .they go to the old house . …show more content…

Tom see Injun jeo. He begin to dig with knife and put the bag under the ground . The next saturday is Backy'birthday. They decide to visit McDougal's Cave. They are go there with boat. The children walk and run throught the cave. Huck is interste in Injun jeo's treasure he wait in the steet near the building that he cross is in there but he don't come out and Huck is very ill. Tom and Becky play with their friend in the cave. They run in to the nearst tunnel but suddenly they are lose throught the tunnel. Tom decid to do something . He has a long string in his pocket . He can go down some of the small tunnels and get back to Becky with the string . Tom go down the first tunnel on his hands and knees. Suddenly he see Injun jeo and he need the help . In Tuesday evening Tom and Becky are Thatcher' house. Tom can see day light and climb the small hole. After Injun jeo's funeral . Tom and Huck go to the cave . They guess the treasure is under the ground in the cave then the boys begin to dig by the tunnel wall with

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