Human Nature Research Paper

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Human nature is a complicated and difficult subject that I don't believe anyone will ever truly be able to understand. In my opinion, we are all born innocent and pure. I do not believe in good or evil people. I believe in people who do good and evil things. The world we live in is a vast and mysterious one and we are born without a map or manual to tell us where to go or how to be. We must figure it out on our own. I believe that we are all simply trying to find our way. This world isn't an easy place to live in. Some roads lead to other roads. Some lead to cliffs, others to meadows, a few to oceans, and an increasing number lead to Walmart. Who we become and where we go in life depends a lot upon the roads we are carried on before we even …show more content…

Newborn babies are a lot like potatoes. They have the potential to become a variety of things; french fries, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, potato chips, etcetera. At this early point in life, a person does not have control over who they are. Part of who they will grow up to be depends on their genetic make up and choices they will make later in life, but a lot of it depends on the enviroments they are exposed to and the people they live around. The first year of life is especially crucial for human beings, as it is during this time that our brains have the most plasticity and are developing at a faster rate than any other period in our lives. This is why it is very important for babies to be properly nurtured and cared for from the very …show more content…

Afterall, babies make adults do everything for them; carry them; feed them; clean them. All they seem to do is cry, eat, sleep, poop, and play. They rely completely on others to provide for their needs. Still, I do not believe we are selfish from birth. In order to be described as selfish, one must be thinking only of oneself and one's own needs and desires. Infants do not experience self-awareness at birth, and therefore cannot be considered selfish. Most humans like to believe that they are better than any other beast of the Earth. Personally I believe that we are equal to them. I cannot look at a dog and see myself above him just because I walk on two less legs than he. Yes, I can do some things that he cannot. But does this make me better than him? He can do things that I cannot as well. Humans are each unique individuals, but we are still equal, and all other creatures are as well. I would not say that the course has influenced my opinion, at least not to any significant degree. However, I would most definitely say that it has gotten me to think more about what I believe and why I believe it. I have noticed that since starting this course, I find it easier to accept ideas that differ from my own and take multiple perspectives into consideration. We all see the world differently, and there is no one right or wrong way to view