Humanistic Theory And Psychoanalytic Theory

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INTRODUCTION. A set of assumptions or rules on which the practice of an activity is based on is called a theory. It is also a fundamental or a basis used to account for a situation. There are several theories used in counselling practice. However, in this essay I will only deal with the three prominent theories, which are, Psycho-analytic theory, Behavioral theory and Humanistic theory. The first part of this essay will evaluate the Psychoanalytic theory by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytical theory defined and evaluated the development and structure of personality. Freud believed human nature is basically deterministic. People were helped to gain an insight into their unconscious thoughts by making them conscious which made easy the release of their repressed emotions and experiences and therefore getting cured and unsolved issues being solved. The second part of this essay will evaluate the Behavioral theory of Ivan Pavlov, Albert Bandura, Joseph Wolfe and Fredrick Skinner. This theory illustrates that the environment in which an individual lives influences the personality and behavior of that individual. Any individual has an ability to learn and unlearn whatever they wish throughout their life span. In addition, in the third part of this essay, Humanistic theory by Carl Rodgers explains that any individual knows what is good for them and what is not good for them. Individuals know what they require in their lives and are capable of directing themselves to self-actualization