Clinical Depression: A Psychological Analysis

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I know someone who has clinical depression, this stops her from completing everyday activities that other people do. She constantly has loss of interest in doing things especially getting out of bed most times. Most of the time she constantly feels like she is hopeless and sometimes even does not want to continue living her life. She has triggers that of course trigger the depression, therefore she stays away from the things that triggers her. Skinner in the behavioral theory would look at clinical depression as a learned behavior, according to simply psychology, depression is learned through certain negative emotional states and also observation and reinforcement. Losing one’s job is considered operant conditioning and that is when the positive …show more content…

If anything, that stands in the way, like depression can make the person stuck in one of the steps to self-actualization. One of the biggest things that someone in the humanistic theory is that if a parent doesn’t not show the child their worth than the child will start to see themselves as worthless. They will start to develop a negative thought of themselves which then will cause depression and failure to live up to people’s standards, which is what my friend feels like. Before my friend admitted that she had depression she would go months with telling herself that she didn’t have depression and trying to avoid it with all costs. This is what humanistic theory also sees depression as. If the person cannot make it to the happy part and taking care of themselves part of the steps to self-actualization then they will not make it …show more content…

This is the only theory that examines the persons feeling thoughts and the behaviors form a biological point of view. Therefore, if these theorists were to look at my friend’s depression and try and explain it. They would first start at her genetics and with her, her mother had depression as well. They would then start to look at her thoughts and feelings from a biological view. They would most likely tell her that she has depression because her mother had depression and that she got it through her genetics. He would then talk about her biological symptoms including her sleep patterns, appetite, physical and mental fatigue and of course her loss of pleasure in life. He would ask her what medications she is on because since her symptoms are severe it is best to have her on