
Humorous Wedding Speech: Death Of A Young Man In High School

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Good evening, we have recently experienced the death of a young man in high school. Matthew was born on July 23, 2002. He moved all around the country and settled into Phoenix, Arizona for high school. He attended Brophy college prep, until his death. He was kind and generous. He was hard working and he was persistent. He liked playing sports and playing video games. But above that, he was loving and caring. Our first story is in elementary school.
Matthew was in the third grade. It had been a long day, there were many exams and tests yet still homework to do later. He came across another student lost in the school. The student said he couldn't find his mom or dad. They were missing! Matthew and the boy searched for hours yet still could not …show more content…

It is the high school he had always wanted to go to. He was in a bind though, his school work was falling behind, the tests were getting harder. He had 4 science classes, a math class, and English. He could stop playing sports, he didn’t want to and his parents wouldn’t let him stay home to study. He was in a troubling position, but, he thought of a solution. Student hours were a great time to do work. There were teachers and student working and you could get help on homework. He work for as long as he could in student hours before he had to leave for practice. The grades were steady but still too low. He had four A's, two B+'s and a B-. His grades were still too low to get into Brophy. He asked help from all the teachers, but the only answer he took away is that time is short and he didn't have enough proper time to study and do homework. Matthew thought he would have to stop playing sports, but sports are a big part of his life. He had one he could only find one other solution, to work on work in the car. He thought that if he could work in the car he could do more work. Luckily, it worked, his grades rose and he got them up to all A’s. He applied and got in to

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