
Humorous Wedding Speech: Is It's Fair Or Unfair?

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Glad you reached out to try & move forward. I’m sorry you are hurt & I hate that you feel like it was in wrong doing on my behalf. Let me say you have know idea what I’ve been through personally. So asking me to woman up or try to be in your shoes without truly knowing where I come from seems unfair. I’ve never judged you so I don’t see how it’s fair that you judge me so harshly. So let me go ahead and let you know your shoes are no where in comparison to the shoes I’ve worn for YEARS and wear today. My ex husband began having an affair while I was pregnant & cheated on me with our bartender from the restaurant we owned for two solid years before I was faced with the truth. Ive been a single mother and I’ve raised my daughter plus I raised …show more content…

Your statement “she’s MINE and she’ll never be yours” makes me upset. Seriously Mandy I am a mother just as you are. I think we both know that no one will ever take that role from us. I would never do something to you that I wouldn’t want done to myself. I have no intentions to go “against anything that you do”. You are Emma’s mother no one is trying to take that away from you. I hope that Emma and I can build a fun loving relationship but you talking bad about me isn’t going to help that at all and that’s very upsetting. I too am a mother that would go to the end of the earth for her daughter. I would never treat your daughter any different then I would treat my own. I hope hearing that makes you feel a little bit better. We all try to be the best mother we can be but I can say one thing because I’ve been in similar shoes negative hate gets you no where close to the mother you should be. I too pray & hope we can move forward and work together in a more positive way. I know it may not be ideal or what we thought it would be but I hope that both you and Shawn can be happy with who you choose to be with and also respect each other as Emma’s parents. Putting Shawn down & vice versa in front of Emma and saying hateful things is only hurting her. You both need to except that you have moved on and that each other‘s partners will play a vital role in Emmas life but will never replace either of you. It’s also very important that Emma knows that too. Just because you both have someone else in your life doesn’t mean that the other parent isn’t as important as they were

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