Hypothetical Ethical Case Scenarios

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principles and their application within a given hypothetical ethical scenario and the application of their professional codes of their profession and how it relates to the scenario. In this essay also, will discuss a detailed understanding of any legal issues or risks that should be considered and analyze their decision making process in the context of the given scenario. The most beneficial outcome for the ethical dilemma will be addressed and should be proposed and any legal issues or risks will also be stated in this essay. Ethics are defined as on how we make judgments in regard to what is right or wrong. Ethical codes are defined as the responsibility of the professional to look after and take care of the patients no matter whom or what …show more content…

She has had a DHS for a fractured neck of femur following a fall. She has early dementia and is accompanied by her son. After the explanation of the treatment intervention to the patient, she says that she does not want the treatment. Explaining the situation to the son, he insists the treatment to take place as he is her career and has taken a day off work to bring her to the appointment. . Ethics are known as the base component of professionalism which need a code of practice that deal with practitioners and patients in order to protect them. The professional duty is to look after patients, no matter whom or what they have done is known as ethical codes (Seedhouse, 2008). Autonomy is defined as the need of a patient to have intention, thought, and action during a decision making about the health care procedures. This decision making process should be free from coaxing or influence. In this scenario, the moral dilemmas or ethical are to respect the patient’s autonomy or to follow the demand of the son by continuing the treatment. People must understand all risks and advantages of the procedure and the possibility of success in order for a patient to make a fully informed decision (Medical Ethics, 2001). In this scenario given, this cause violation of the principle of autonomy since the son did not …show more content…

Symptoms start out slowly and gradually get worse shows that many dementias are progressive (Dementia - Alzheimer's Association, 1980). Dementia is known for the dangerous of interfering with daily life and declining in mental ability to judge or making any kind of decisions. A person’s ability to perform daily life activities can be disrupted and describes best by a wide range of symptoms that are connected with reduce in memory or other thinking skills. It is important to take extra caution since this condition are considered to be incompetent in understanding also in making a rational decision on her own regarding her treatment. For this situation, early mobilizations like early ambulation after hip surgery enhance functional recovery and less to high-level care (Oldmeadow, 2006). Therefore, based on this scenario, it is best not to delay the treatment process which could lead to the ability to give consent or lead to severe