
I Am Cyrus: Why Am I A Great Leader?

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Bow down peasants, for ‘I am Cyrus [the second], king of the universe, the great king, the powerful king, king of Babylon…king of the four quarters of the world, son of Cambyses…the perpetual seed of kingship, whose reign Bel and Nabu love, and with whose kingship, to their joy, they concern themselves.’

I would just like to start by saying that I honestly would rather be elsewhere, like on my death bed, than talking to all you try hard leaders. I know I was the best ancient leader and quite frankly, don’t care about anything any of you have to say about me.

I was the founder of the Persian Achaemenid Empire and ruled benevolently over this kingdom for 29 years. I came to power in 559 B.C. when my father passed away and I was born into my role. At this time, our civilisation was known as inferior to the Medes people and I wanted their long-lasting superiority to come to an end. So, In 550 BC, I, and the Persian army, went to war against Media, captured their King and overtook their kingdom, which Mark Grossman, a military historian, documented in his book, ‘World Military Leaders: A biographical Dictionary.’ After my success, I was gaining confidence in my potential as a great leader and had the desire to continue expanding my empire. …show more content…

As Georges Roux, a French historian and author of books including ‘Ancient near east,’ correctly stated, my troops and I stormed Lydia and defeated him in 547 BC, easily making Lydia another asset to my kingdom. My empire now stretched over 3000 miles, but I didn't stop

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