Ideas In The Ethnographer

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Ideas can be formulated for many different reasons, for one to contemplate, for one put to use. An Idea can come to a person anytime no matter how big or small, it could be a revelation or as small thought. An idea is a “conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding or awareness” (Webster’s Dictionary). An idea is usually something that may be useful to one in the short term or the long term, but sometimes they aren’t useful and just a waste. Although one might not always see the benefits of an idea come into action, it could still be affecting the way one lives his or her life depending on what that idea was. In a life time many ideas are able to pop into one’s head, but it is one’s choice whether or not to pursue the constructs of this idea. All ideas are able to be manifested and none are …show more content…

If one has an idea that doesn’t affect the way we act, why do we have it? One could have an idea like this because the mind is constantly at work trying to find solutions to the worlds problems. In the two stories, The Ethnographer by Jorge Luis Borges and Euthyphro, Apology, Crito by Plato, both sides of the expression of an idea are portrayed. I one story one cannot tell the difference between action and inaction on the idea and in the other the idea rules all domains in the character’s life.
In the story The Ethnographer by Jorge Luis Borges, a man named Fred Murdock travels to the prairie in order to seek the culture of Western Native Americans and in the end he comes back with an idea that is unable to be expressed. This story first brings up the question of, what is this idea? This idea could either be the simplest or most complex idea known