Identify And Explain The Five Basic Steps Involved In 9/11

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If you are involved in a crash there are five basic steps to follow. If you do not follow these steps you can be punished for a hit and run crime. The first step is to stop immediately in unit six lesson three it states that “You may be penalized severely for not remaining at the scene of a crash in which you are involved. Your driver license could be suspended or revoked for up to one year.” The second step is to render aid this means that you should try to find someone trained in first aid to help people with injuries. The lesson states “ You are required to render to any person injured in the crash reasonable assistance, including transporting or making arrangements for transporting of the injured person to a physician or hospital for medical …show more content…

The fifth and final step is to exchange information. There are many things that you should exchange with the other driver involved in the crash. In unit six lesson three it states that”The following information must be exchanged between drivers or other persons involved in the crash: Your name and address, Vehicle registration number Your insurance information including agent or provider’s name and phone number, If the owner of an unattended vehicle is not available or cannot be found, leave a note providing this information: Name and address of the driver of your vehicle and ,Vehicle registration number of the vehicle that caused the crash.” It is important to remember that the operator of a vehicle that provides the information required to a police officer at the scene is exempt from providing the information of other people involved. All of these steps are important to remember because if you fail to complete some of them you can get in a lot of trouble. I think that the most important step to remember is to exchange information with the other driver that was

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