Identify And Explain Two Examples Of Plagiarism

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Identify and explain two examples of plagiarism, and describe specifically how plagiarism could harm your academics or career. The two types of plagiarism I'll be explaining are the direct plagiarism and paraphrasing without citation. In direct plagiarism the individual simply copy the exact text from a source without giving credit to the original author. However the plagiarism that is committed by changing the words of a writing while maintaining the fundamental structure of the source is far more difficult to detect, but equally fraudulent. Plagiarism could end my dream of becoming a software engineer, and everything it could mean to me. Therefore it is not even worthy of wasting time contemplating some imaginary benefits it could circumstantially …show more content…

Each court has its own jurisdiction, which refers to the cases that the court is allowed to hear. In some instances, a case can only be heard in one type of court. For example, a bankruptcy case must….”(
“The legal system is comprised of criminal and civil courts and specialty courts like bankruptcy and family law courts. Every one of the courts is vested with its own jurisdiction. Jurisdiction means the types of cases each court is permitted to rule on. Sometimes, only one type of court can hear a particular case. For instance, bankruptcy cases an be ruled on only in bankruptcy court….”(
Make a personal pledge to adhere to each area of the Code of Conduct and guidelines for academic integrity, and what specific strategies you will use to accomplish …show more content…

First I will always make sure to take accurate notes of my readings, with special emphasis on recording the sources of those notes. When writing I will introduce proper citation for everything that is not my creation. When I find doubts about the need to give credit, I will document myself about it and then if doubts still persist then cite anyway. Another important part, as I have noted, is to select my sources so that the same have a certain level of academic responsibility, to avoid more work than normal, inaccurate data and second hand plagiarism.
Plagiarism is one form of unethical behavior that may occur at a university. What other forms of unethical behavior have you read about or experienced in higher education in your country? As I have understood the safest strategy to avoid plagiarism it is to cite everything that comes from another source other than my own creation and when in doubt also cite. Another level of proper inspection would be using automated paper analyzers. One of the forms of unethical conduct, of which I had news in my country was that some students paid others to do their projects. This type of behavior always seemed degrading, immoral and unjustifiable to me. Personally I prefer to withdraw from a course if I come to the conclusion that I am not ready for it. Doing otherwise would me not only risking my education and reputation, but utterly fooling