Why Plagiarism Is Wrong

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Plagiarism is illegal. At a university level of education being found guilty of plagiarism can result in you being strictly punished.
Some reasons why plagiarism is considered as unethical:
• You deny yourself the opportunity to learn and practice skills that may be needed in your future carriers. You also deny yourself to opportunity to receive honest feedback on how to improve your skills and performance.
• You invite future teachers and students to question your integrity and performance in general.
• You commit fraud on teachers who are evaluating your work.
• You deprive another author due credit for his/her work.
• You should disrespect for your peers who have done their own work.
• Unintentional …show more content…

Copying an essay or article from the internet, online source or electronic database without quoting or giving credit.
Cutting and pasting from more than one source to create a paper without quoting or giving credit.
Borrowing words or ideas from other students or source without giving credit.
1. “Copy and Paste Plagiarism”
“Any time you lift a sentence or significant phrase intact from a source, you must use quotations marks and reference the source.
2. “Word Switch Plagiarism”
If you take a sentence from a source and change around a few words, it is still plagiarism. If you want to quote a sentence, than you need to put it in quotation marks and cite the author and article. In many cases, paraphrasing and then citing the original sorceress is a better option.
3. “Style Plagiarism”
“When you follow a source article sentence by sentence or paragraph by paragraph, it is plagiarism, even though none of your sentences are exactly like those in the source article or even in the same order. E=what you are copying in this case is the authors reasoning style.”
4. “Metaphor …show more content…

You may think at first glance this is only relevant when taking an Exam but you would be wrong for two reasons. Firstly, if you copy another person’s work without acknowledgement you are committing plagiarism regardless of whether it is for examination or not. Secondly look again at the part which says in any other work submitted for assessment .that means any piece of work you do that counts towards your course assessment. In most cases this means any assignment that you complete any thesis or dissertation or anything that you write in