If I Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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Students try hard to fight education, but is that really a fight worth fighting? Sure students don’t like being pushed to learn, but they don’t know that it’s really helping them. Schools try their hardest to teach some of the most ignorant students who refuse to believe that learning is necessary. Student’s also think that school just doesn’t fit well to their own schedule and want their own way of how teaching goes on. If I could plan my own school I would have a summer break, make it mandatory for ages 7 to 18, and have the usual English, Math, Science, and History classes taught. The education from school helps students learn important skills. These skills help a student get into jobs and be more successful in life. However, schools …show more content…

These classes have the basis for skills students need later in life. Mostly everything around us today, including make-up, were made through the amazing power of science (Hamilton). I would prefer formal teaching over informal teaching in this case, instead of relying on the inconsistent informal teaching method. This is because formal teaching gives the student the push to learn, but if they want to learn more then they can informally teach themselves if they put in the time. Those who learn more through their own time will have an advantage. The problem is that that most students don’t want to learn outside of class. Technology can help a student study and keep ahold of more information (Waldron, …show more content…

Keeping the same start time allows students to not have to have after school events being pushed back to really late at night. Either that or the free time of daylight before school would be used for practicing sports and activities, and I don’t think students would want to have to go out early in the morning way before school for sports practice. Students should be split into classes of around 17-18. This is so teachers don’t go insane trying to keep all of the students under control, and so the teacher can actually teach a considerable amount of students. Though there are a few classes that need to have exceptions to this rule for obvious