
Illuminati Research Paper

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Have you ever wondered why we have these top new trends and why we follow them like for examples the hoverboard well this paper came to write you this paper on how the Illuminati is real. The Illuminati has been around since the 17th hundred. The reason why is because some people don't believe in the Illuminati the theories behind is that real people were in the illuminati and have testimony who has ever been in the Illuminati or has seen the Illuminati.

Historical Document proves that the society is real. “Adam weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati”(one evil,1) reasons why I chose this is because this shows that the Illuminati had a leader. “Adam weishaupt was into Jesuit and new world order (one evil,1)”reasons why I chose this because it's important cause Adam Weishaupt was Jesuit and that was his mission. The motto of the Illuminati was “The end Justifies the means (one evil,1)” the reasons why I chose this is because it's proves that the illuminati had a ruthless quote. The historical document reveal that they had a leader and was ruthless …show more content…

It was said that he had been working with Adam Weishaupt (aka the leader of the Illuminati) and that he had left because he said “It was getting out of control (Illuminati,1)”.This shows that people did get to see live to tell the story and also wrote a book so that means that it is a historical document .

As of today there is still a part of the Illuminati but they change their name to the Masons .It is said that they have the same motives as the Illuminati like the new world order, but want to change it up because now there are worshiping the devil. (One evil,3).This proves this people are still hanging on to the old ways and staying with the

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