Impact Of Roadblocks On Boy Scouts

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Roadblocks that may prevent some of our students from participating in events with the Boy Scouts would be not being qualified to become a scout volunteer. Also, they would have to set aside the time for meetings service projects and outdoor activities which would include camping trips and hiking over the weekends. During this trip our students may become injured, they may receive cuts, scrapes, and broken bones.
Future Vision
The future is bright for the Boy Scouts of America and the University as we can get more people involved in an effort to have a positive impact on our youth and also find a way to make youth programs more affordable for all families. The Boy Scouts offer scholarships, but most families will walk away not even knowing that assistance is available division of the Boy Scouts and the University should be to ensure that no one is turned away because they cannot afford to experience scouting. The hope is that the scouting community can grow along with the YMCA …show more content…

Just because the population of a pack and volunteers from a diverse background does not mean issues were not arise between children from different backgrounds. The way volunteers will handle those disagreements are all covered in required training all volunteers must complete as long as the volunteers instill in the boys that they must treat everyone with dignity and respect all issues can be handled at the lowest level. One big challenge for the Boy Scouts this year would be allowing girls into Troops and Packs. If they are going to allow girls like everyone wants them to they should not separate them from the boys once they join. If girls are put into separate dens they are treating girls equally. If they are not willing to treat them the same as boys they should not allow girls to join