Impact Of Technology Essay

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Technology is the story of innovation of techniques and tools that made the work of human beings significantly easy after 20th century, when human face technology evolution their lives were affected in various forms. In everyday language, technological advancement means some change allowing the production of more goods and services. The familiar connotative meaning of the term centers on the use of machines, new lathes, robots, computers, and the like. However, any better, faster, or more efficient way of producing is a technological advancement. Technology took its place among people and effected their relation significantly. Even now almost every thing is solve by technology. However technology were a new way of living, it made life for some group of people difficult. People with less awareness of technology have no chance of getting a job even some times it is impossible. Moreover it affected the relationship of people, for example communication is now mostly seems …show more content…

It is both positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy that it may lose its charm one day. One can cherish an accomplishment only if it comes after effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. The technology is one of the major sectors that affected the life of people in different fields like economy, jobs, poverty, crime and etc. As we are in a back warded society it gets the disadvantage of technology faster than its advantages. The communication and relation become more unreal and the deals become trustless. For society such as Afghanistan that is not aware of technology, the government should protect the society from the too much influence of technology. Or at least the government should make polices and laws in order to provide a fair balance between technology and society for the purpose of welfare