Implementing A New Comprehensive Safety Program In The Workplace

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The safety of employees is very important. During day to day activities, employees accomplish many tasks that require the wear of specialized equipment and protective clothing. Unfortunately, with these daily duties, there is an increased chance of injury. To ensure the safety of all employees on the job site, I propose the implementation of an organization job specific safety program. With your permission, I would like to conduct research on implementing a new comprehensive safety program that would be beneficial to all employees, new and old. What the Problem Is and Why It Needs to Be Investigated
There is no standard safety program in place. This lack of customization doesn’t fulfill the requirements needed for employees to be successful. The current state of the safety program requires drastic overall. There are many aspects regarding safety on the job site in need of correction. The lack of a standardized …show more content…

When employees aren’t properly trained accidents happen, this is a very well documented fact. Employee safety should be at the forefront of any organization. One poorly trained employee is all it takes for things to go wrong on the job site. That one mistake can lead to costly worker’s compensation claims, employee time loss, injury or death.

What Secondary Research I Have Conducted about the Problem
I have conducted secondary research into this issue in the form of a background review of literature or synthesis review on the implementation of an employer designed safety program. During my research, I found several articles and journals detailing the positive aspects of implementing a safety program. There is a strong need for the implementation of a thorough, well designed workplace safety program. The research gathered detailed the employers' obligation, the impact on employers, and the impact on employee attitude toward safety training. What Primary Research I Will Conduct about the