Importance Of Declaration Of Independence Essay

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Our founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equally and are given certain inherent rights and among these rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Constitution was inspired by the Declaration of Independence in keeping the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty was a key aspect in the making of the United States of America’s constitution. The U.S. constitution gave the people of the United States liberty by setting rights to all people.
The first amendment provides us with the opportunity to speak your opinion freely. By letting us speak freely, it gives us a sort of independence instead of following someone else opinion. If there were not freedom of speech, not one person would be dependent and would not have the liberty to say anything they believe in. Speech is also a better way to talk about your beliefs to other people and convince them to take your side instead of fighting someone to go on your side. The first amendment is not all about speech; it is also about freedom of press and assembly, in other words the press can write what they want and anyone can assemble an assembly to talk about …show more content…

All of our liberties are secure unless someone has broken the law then only that said person can be deprived of his or her liberty with due process of law. This brings us to the Fifth Amendment, which states that no person should be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. In other words, the government cannot take a person’s life, liberty and property unless proven guilty in court the judge and jury both determine them guilty or not guilty and decide whether to deprive them of their liberty, life or property. Also, not one person is above the law, every person is equal and will receive the same punishment as anyone