1. Introduction 1.1 Overview of the company “UPS” United Parcel Service of North America, mainly known and brand-named as UPS was founded in 1907. In 1907, there was a big necessity in United States of America for personal messenger, delivery and transportation services. To accomplish this need a 19-year-old James E. Casey established the American Messenger Company in Seattle. In 1919 the company adopted its present name, United Parcel Service.
Manufacturing sector on the other hand has grown in comparatively slower pace. The overall performance of the Indian manufacturing sector has widespread implications for various aspects of the economy; employment, being one of the chief areas of impact. Since this sector generates large scale employment for low and medium skilled workers, it is imperative to develop features which will create a conducive environment for industries to grow further. The Make in India campaign by the government has given the much needed push to the manufacturing sector. So we can say that India is performing decently and there is huge opportunity for India to grow and increase forex reserve and attract more FDI and FII by expanding its International
As we know, business industry is very important because it involve the incomes and outcomes of money flow. With the new technology, business industry such as factory, private company and shop has become more profitable with the help of various advance machines and equipments. Hundred years ago there was no machine at all and there is no such thing as electronic mail and the business run only by geographical location. The advanced of machines and equipments has made business can be run without difficulties and run smoothly. Well because of that the standard of living rise up among
Entrepreneurship takes the economy and the society to the state of progress and prosperity. New businesses can create new jobs and therefore will increase the employment rate of the nation. This will also generate income to the entirety of the nation. People who pursue entrepreneurship can generate new ideas which will provide a diversity of offerings for the consumer (Ramos, 2014).