Entrepreneur Essays

  • Bill Gates Entrepreneur

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    Starting your own small business and making it a worldwide company, is not easy at it sounds. This is known as entrepreneurship. There are lots of personals that we can take as entrepreneurs who have achieved their targets and have conquered the world. Among the world’s best entrepreneurs Bill Gates holds a noble title. Some critics may see him as a modern day robber but to the majority of the world he is a great inventor, a great programmer, and an ambitious businessmen. He was able to establish

  • Essay On Being A Black Entrepreneur

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    in the future. As I thought, I realized that there aren’t any black owned businesses in the area, or really any people who even look at me for that matter. As a black woman being a first generation college student with an end goal of becoming an entrepreneur, I am passionate about seeing people from my culture and community becoming successful. With this, I introduce my Community Service Initiative, “Supporting Black Owned”, to bring awareness on the importance of black owned businesses and encourage

  • Innovation And Entrepreneur: The Three Types Of Innovation

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    new ideas or discovery into a good or service that generates importance or for which customers can afford. Though, there are many types of innovation use by entrepreneurs but in this report we will be describing and explaining only three (3) types of innovation used by different entrepreneurs, also the benefits of innovation to entrepreneurs. However, the three types of innovation to be considered include; Breakthrough, Incremental and Frugal innovations. Breakthrough innovation (Radical) This

  • Was Brad Reifler A Successful Entrepreneur

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    The world has seen a number of innovative entrepreneurs work their way to financial success. One such enterprising soul is Brad Reifler, founder and chief executive of Forefront Capital. A successful man today, Mr. Reifler certainly put in the time and worked his way up the ladder. Needless to say, he’s undeniably proven he is an ingenious businessman with an instinct for sounding investment plans. Granted, Mr. Reifler likely had a great mentor in his grandfather, Ray E. Friedman, the founder

  • My Russell Simmons: My Famous Entrepreneurs

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    My famous entrepreneur is Russell Simmons. Simmons grew up in a middle class home in Queens, New York. His birthday is October 4th, 1957. He went to the City College of New York. Russell Simmons is known for very many things such as RushCard, Phat Farm, Argyleculture, American Classics, etc. He is most known for Def Jam Records. He got into the business at a very young age. He went to the City College of New York for a little time and left to go and promote local musicians. In 1984, he partnered

  • How Did Chris Burch Become A Successful Entrepreneur

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    How Chris Burch Become a Successful Entrepreneur Investment is among the various ways through which Chris Burch has vigorously participated in a couple of industries over the course of his profession. He has been engaged in the success of at least 50 companies. His proficiency in investment has developed to the levels that make him an expert in abundant fields. Chris Burch states that to be successful in business and entrepreneurship, you need a person who is highly determined and influential. He

  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs

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    Immigrant Entrepreneurs ‘Immigrant’ or ‘Ethnic’ entrepreneur as depicted by R.M Khosa, V. Kalitanyi Are sojourners who work harder, save money, receive limited low cost funding from family member as well social networks and find market opportunities to set up their business in the host communities. R.M Khosa, V. Kalitanyi further puts forward that migration of people defined as the practise of people moving form their indigenous country to live and work in another country. People don’t just pack

  • University Students In Malaysia Case Study

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    country’s economy. While there are many precedent studies investigating the entrepreneurial intention of existing entrepreneurs, empirical studies on entrepreneurial activity amongst university students are inadequate, particularly in Malaysia. Many universities have introduced entrepreneurship education to promote the interest of under graduates to becoming future entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs play a key role in economic growth and the job creation of our own country. Entrepreneurial education has been

  • Interview With A Successful Beauty Salon In Cypress

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    conversation, Singh shared experiences as an entrepreneur, including pros and cons of running a business, her best and worst experiences and her long term goals. As a future business owner I found her journey to be very inspirational. Singh moved to the United States because of her husband's job. She describes

  • Just Don T Do It By Deborah Cameron Analysis

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    I Feel Just Like an Entrepreneur The word entrepreneur is a popular term today used to describe the occupations of countless individuals. By simply using the word, it conjures up images of the immense ecosystem of startups in Silicon Valley, and the idea of having control of your own destiny rather than accept a grueling corporate job. Describing oneself as an entrepreneur can create the same awe and admiration from other individuals as describing oneself as a doctor or lawyer. What differs is that

  • Entrepreneurship In The Philippines

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    business or acquiring a franchise (Louren, 2017). Entrepreneurship is a state of mind. It is not identified or measured with the type of business a person is in the success of that business but rather it is the total way of life for entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur requires distinct personality traits such as having a risk-taking personality, need for achievement, internal focus of control, tolerance for ambiguity and having a type A behavior or striving to achieve more in less time and general

  • Best Skills Research Paper

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    Best Skills All Self-Employed Entrepreneurs Should Have Being a boss sounds like an exciting idea. However, many people have to face the fear of the unknown because it is not everyone who succeeds in business. It is essential to have personality traits listed below to run your business and achieve success. Discipline Successful self-employed entrepreneurs can do everything possible to make the business work whether they feel it or not. Procrastination should not get entertained. Honesty and respect

  • An Analysis Of Amoruso, Hofstede's Dimensions Of Culture

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    Originally, the word ‘entrepreneur’ comes from the old French word ‘entreprendre’, meaning ‘to begin something, to undertake’. Though the terms ‘entrepreneur’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ sound alike and are sometimes used interchangeably, they actually mean different things. An entrepreneur can simply be described as a person that starts, operates and assumes risk of running an enterprise. Entrepreneurship, however, is the whole creation process of the enterprise, including originality, capabilities,

  • Bill Gates Research Paper

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    An entrepreneur is a person that operates a successful and popular business. They are supposed to have many traits in order to successfully run a business. Entrepreneurs are supposed to be mighty risk takers. They are supposed to have a lot of determination. In addition, they are supposed to have a high level of confidence. There are many entrepreneurs that have these traits. However, in my opinion, I think the entrepreneur that uses these traits far more extensively is Bill Gates. Gates is

  • Why I Want To Drop Out Of College Essay

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    matter what you do, Your job is to tell your story”. - Gary vaynerchuk I would say that many of us, whether already successful entrepreneurs or aspiring, can find a lot of raw truth in that statement. After all, the word entrepreneur itself is in part, one who assumes great financial risk in the hopes of achieving success. Many of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs were in fact, college dropouts: unable to afford both their education at universities, and the funding for their business ventures

  • Samuel Johnson Quotes

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    QUOTES Sweat equity is the best startup capital To have a great idea, have a lot of them. "Today is cruel, Tomorrow is crueler, day after tomorrow is beautiful" Entrepreneurs see what others can't, do what others won't, and accomplish what others dream.” “Entrepreneurs pay the price of a road less traveled, while everyone else takes the freeway and perpetually misses their own exit. WRITEUP "Today is cruel, Tomorrow is crueler, day after tomorrow is beautiful"- the theory behind any startup running

  • Crucial Moments That Shape My Life

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    will truly mean to you. As time progresses you tend to see what you’re meant to be was in front of your face the whole time. Moments like this shape your life and show you the path to success that you 're ready to take. Growing up in a family of entrepreneurs I knew it was my destiny to follow the business path. From a young age, my parents told me that I could be anything that I wanted as long as I put my mind to it and never give up. As I grew up working with foster children at my family business

  • Veteran Entrepreneurship Analysis

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    5 Powerful Resources For Veteran Entrepreneurs Not just anyone is cut out to start a business. You need to have a backbone. You need the capability to quickly decide which risks are worth taking, and the confidence to move forward fast. Veterans pick up all these skills on active duty. Even more importantly, they learn to work as a team. It takes a village to start and run a successful business; you just can’t do it alone. As a military veteran and CEO of NextGenJustice, I can tell you firsthand:

  • Jay Z Research Paper

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    to Merriam Webster dictionary an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses; taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. An innovator is a person who introduces new methods, ideas or products. When people talk about successful entrepreneur’s names that may come to mind are Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg and others. All entrepreneurs had to overcome obstacles to achieve

  • Nc Essential Standard 2 Essay

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    product/service management, information management, professional development, emotional intelligence, and operations. Lesson Title: Is Entrepreneurship for YOU? Are YOU cut out for Entrepreneurship? Lesson Objective: Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. The objective of the lesson is to have students collaborate with their team members to create an innovative business idea. During this project, students’ decision making and critical thinking skills will be tested to see if they have what it takes