Importance Of Environment

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Previously, I pursue my bachelor degree in environmental engineering in Institut Teknologi Bandung. I was actively involved in Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Lingkungan ITB (HMTL ITB) that initiates several types of activity. What I like the most is about social activity and spreading awareness about environmental friendly-act. We likely hold the annual event, one of them is named “ Desa Mitra”, to raise their awareness about eco-friendly lifestyle. In this event, we teach people in Cimanggu Village how to treat waste. One of the methods that we teach is how to compose organic waste into manure which will be beneficial for their agricultural activity.
My experience in “Desa Mitra” has increased my passion for promoting environmental act in Indonesia. For instance, in 2014, I participated in volunteering activity named “Gerakan Sejuta Biopori Kota Bandung” where I became one of the facilitators. “Gerakan Sejuta Biopori Kota Bandung” is a self-help community movement in Bandung city to build a bio pore hole throughout the city to save groundwater, reduce flood, fertilize the soil, and make use of organic waste. The event has raised people awareness about the importance of environment in our society. I amazed that most of the participant understood the values so they want to contribute. Imagine if all Indonesia’s population have the willingness to contribute to city development.
After graduated, to experienced real exposure in the development process that happened in Indonesia