
Importance Of Mentor Guidance

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Mentor Guidance A mentor for the Senior May Term should be chosen with great care. Your mentor oversees your entire Senior May Term and should be an expert in the field you are exploring. An ideal mentor would be an instructor in the academic area of choice, a respected member of the community, or a business person who is willing to assist your student in achieving your learning objectives. The mentor provides three essential services for the the student: Guides the student through Senior May Term Assists the student in organizing information to gain experience in the chosen field Reads and critiques the student's project while assisting with content and the final project Mentor Guidelines: Must be 21 years of age May not be a family member …show more content…

Furthermore, they could be a link to a future career and/or become a professional reference. Always be professional and polite when communicating with your mentor Be considerate of your mentor’s time Give mentors advance notice of when you might need their help Schedule appointments and keep them Keep your mentor informed of any updates or changes with your project Suggested Scripts: Phone: Student - “Hello (insert mentors name), this is (insert your name), from Edina High School. I admire your work (insert field). I was wondering if I could have a few minutes of your time to discuss my Senior May Term Experience. Senior May Term is an opportunity for me to create my own learning for the last 2 weeks of school. I am considering (insert project) and was hoping you would be my mentor. Would mentoring my (insert project) be of interest to you?” Possible answers Potential mentor - “Yes!” Student - “Great! I appreciate your support. Is there a time we can meet to discuss Senior May Term?” Potential mentor - “No.” Student - “I appreciate you taking the time to listen to me talk about Senior May Term. Enjoy the rest of your

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