Swot Analysis Of Dance Performance

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As a performer, I’m constantly evaluating my strengths and weaknesses. There are a few areas I am confident in, however there is always room for improvement. In regards to my casting, I have the ability to play the strong and feisty female roles, and as a mezzo-soprano/belter, I can sing the songs that are generically written for this type of role.

I am a very focused, and determined performer, particularly in a rehearsal setting. I am good at taking direction and willing to try new techniques and methods to see how they can further my training. You have to be open to new and challenging things within the performance industry, because you may find something extremely beneficial for you that makes you even stronger in the field. I have a strong …show more content…

If I improve my fitness, this will work alongside the development of my dance technique and make that area of my performing skills much stronger. Especially because I want to portray myself as a young and energetic person within my cast type, this type of self development can only be beneficial. I will amount to this by keeping on top of my health and fitness and taking more dance classes where I can look specifically at my technique. This will not only help to develop my dance skills, but will also improve my general appearance, confidence, and …show more content…

It has given me opportunities to meet so many people within the industry already, and I have only been there for a year. I have so many colleagues who are in the same position as me; young actors and actresses trying to make their way into the industry. Having this kind of support network constantly around me will help me to develop my self-confidence and encourage me to keep doing what I love.

I shall continue to write to agents asking for representation, should I not get one during my time at LCM. Additionally, I endeavour to create a voice/show reel. I will begin work on this after 9 to 5 has finished, so that I will have some material I can send to agents along with my CV and headshot, making me more of a considerable client. I will additionally need a voice reel to send to casting agents specifically in voice work, as this is definitely a field of work I want to start branching

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