Importance Of Population Education

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Meaning of Population Education
Population education is the study of human population in relation to his environment with a view to improve his quality of life without adversely affecting the environment. Population education is broadly defined as an educational intervention aimed at helping individuals in understanding the interrelationship between population and development, in appreciating the consequences of population processes and diversification, in assessing the possible actions that they and their respective families and communities can take to modify these processes and in carrying out selected actions. It is and based on the premise that an educational intervention which helps the learners defines problems and …show more content…

Both are closely interrelated and both encompass a number of complex factors. Population issues have aroused widespread concern among almost all the members of the nations. The rapid population growth and the problems of poverty, educational facilities, and lack of adequate health, non-fulfilment of even the basic needs of a vast majority of the population, absence of employment opportunities, diminished natural resources and consequent environmental degradation constitute critical dimensions of the present population and development phenomena. It is also relevant to note that the population phenomenon today embraces issues beyond development. Population education helps and enables us to be aware of the process and consequence of population growth on the quality of our lives and the environment.
Scope of Population Education
Population education provides the learners with a knowledge and understanding of the prevailing population situation in their own country and the world.
It also creates awareness among the learners about the inter-relationships between population situation in their own country and the world. It assists us to make conscious rational and informed decisions regarding family size and population matters in the community and policy adopted by the Sate. It equips us with necessary knowledge, skills and values to ascertain and evaluate the …show more content…

It is basically associated to the developmental needs of a nation and its people. Demographic trends act upon, and are influenced by, the quality of life of the people. Changes in the demographic analysis of a nation rely largely on attitudes and expression of individuals in respect of population and development problems. The demographic ethics is to a great extent informed by population socialization, a procedure by which people access norms, attitudes, values and belief systems in particular of population related problems and which is enclosed in the larger complexes of social method reflecting the society’s inward logical system. This process is turned by education which qualifies the individual to know the phenomenon of population change and its consequences. It is commonly noticed in many countries that the knowledge of the facts of population change and is very low even among educated people. It is precisely because of these complications that population education has appeared as an in essential part of the multi-angled strategy employed to solve modern population problems that brace the