
Importance Of The Us Constitution

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The United States Constitution means that I have a voice. It is there to protect my freedom by imposing law, in the form of objective and clear rules, on government officials. The first three word used in the constitution “We the People” confirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. The right to be free from dictatorship, taxation without representation, and most importantly, voicing one’s opinions and criticism of those in government, without fear of government retribution The Constitution is known to many citizens of the United States of America as the foundation of this country. Growing up just minutes away from the Mexico border, I’ve known many people who are trying to become U.S. Citizens and has made …show more content…

Constitution means I have rights, with limitation and it insures that our voices will be heard. With the Constitution in place, it differentiates us from other countries. Countries that have dictators that remove certain rights from people, punishing a person for going against what they want. Our rights, our liberty, and the protection of our freedom are guaranteed through our Constitution and the protection of these right is what has brought many immigrants to our country. With the Constitution, I have guidelines to follow as a citizen as well as any other citizen of the United States. The Constitution is what America's government is base on. It guides the government bending and changing it so that it may adjust to the people's way of living. It determines how the government will rule the people. For example, we have the right to protest for different issues without fear that the government will reprimand us for standing up for what we believe in. The government allows the citizens to have that freedom as long as no harm is being done to anyone or causing any property damage. I feel that the Constitution gives me that freedom and right as an American citizen. The Constitution to me means that I will be protected and that I do have rights. With all the political issues going on in the world it makes me grateful to be a U.S. …show more content…

It is within this community that the articles of the constitution are applied to me. It is my responsibility to be familiar with the constitution and how it applies to my local government and my surroundings. For example, in El Paso, we border with Mexico and therefore immigration, legal and illegal, is always a platform for open debates. I feel it is my social responsibility to understand the implications because it is such a significant factor in my surrounding culture and can lead to discrimination. I have learned, throughout the semester, that it is also my responsibility to stand up for those that may not be in a position to do so for themselves. There are many people in my community that are legal residents and citizens that have been treated poorly because they are assumed to be here illegally. As a citizen, it is not my place to judge or question someone else’s status if they are positively contributing to society. It is only when I know for a fact that someone is here illegally or someone is participating in illegal activities that it is my civic duty to question or respond according to the

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