Improving Time-Sensitive Forms While Cleaning My Home

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I frequently use this pattern when cleaning my house. I make a list of what needs to be done then I prioritize them accordingly on the time needed to complete lastly I combine chores that can be completed at the same time. For example, I know that it takes 45 minutes to wash a load of laundry. While the load is washing, I can clean the kitchen then clean the bathroom. In 45 minutes, I have knocked three items off my list

In my current position, I handle scheduling caregivers and ensuring time-sensitive forms are complete in the time allowed. I need to know deadlines and also have knowledge of who has the qualifications to care for certain patients. When I first started this job, I asked many questions and used the answers to compile tables and spreadsheets that assisted me until I memorized the answers. I currently use spreadsheets to track the time-sensitive forms daily. I also created a training book for my coworkers to use when I go on vacation. For example, Medicare requires a certain form to be completed by a physician every 60 days. I created a spreadsheet that list each patient, the date the last form was complete, the date the next form needs to be completed, and the patient's doctor information. This spreadsheet is updated daily as each patient has a different date. All the information I may need is readily available. …show more content…

I first had to list all the ways speeding could harm her. I did that by stating the obvious that she could hurt herself or others, speeding tickets make insurance premiums go up, and she could lose her license. I then gave her tips on controlling her speed. While we were driving, I also showed her how I controlled my

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