In Dick Teresi's Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots Of Modern Science

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Science plays a valuable role in our lives. It allows us to describe, define, investigate and attempt to understand the world in which we live and how it works. By increasing our understanding of our world and beyond, we are able to identify and potentially protect endangered species, define how earthquakes or volcanic eruptions occur, create new chemicals define causes of climate change and improve the health or quality of life for people. Many of the common items we find in our homes are the products of science. Science in its purest form dos not itself change our lives. However, the collective knowledge and the application of science affects us greatly. Science is about asking questions and understanding why. Unit two of the curse explore …show more content…

The discovery that the Earth was not the center of the universe but instead the Sun was the pivot point was not a new idea, in fact northern Indian philosopher understood gravitation to what was holding the solar system together due to its massive size. Teresi provided examples demonstrating why modern science was built on the foundation of Western science and not non-European cultures. According to Teresi, there was an extended period in history when very little science was done and non-Western contributed nothing to the field of science. In this chapter, Teresi provides a long list of scientific discoveries to bring attention to this conclusion. The Egyptians developed the concept of the lowest common denominator. Indian researchers discovered the use of zero and negative numbers, chinese scientist recognized, described and created a timeline of eclipses before 1400 and 1200 B.C. The Chinese also set the stage for Hindu scholars who refine the concept of particles in the void. Sumerians could assert that the earth was …show more content…

This is a valuable lesson, especially in science. On a surface level, science can seem intimidating and students may rush to memorize key concepts in order to do well on an upcoming exam. When students are to apply their knowledge to examples and another areas of skills they struggle. They don’t truly understand the science in its entirety. Through history, individuals have pursued science with intense effort which make it possible for us to study our field of interest today. In the reading, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the authors address four main concepts: the scientific community, normal science, normal research and scientific revolutions also known as shifts. The scientific community is a diverse network of connected scientist who rely on accepted beliefs. These collected ideas create the groundwork for the educational start needed to ensure the beliefs are firmly fixed in the minds of students. Scientist strongly maintain their belief that scientist knows what the world is like. The author believes for that reason, “normal science” will often undermine innovation that challenges its foundation Scientist use research to affirm their accepted beliefs and

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